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Community Revitalization Plan

In order to provide economic and financial sustainability, municipalities must be able to provide reliable public services, create an environment conducive to businesses, encourage job creation, engage residents in the local decision making process and remain competitive in the greater community.

To this end Schwenskville Borough has developed and adopted the Schwenksville Borough Revitalization Plan.  The plan was developd by a Revitalization Task Force that conducted community-wide visioning sessions and commissioned a survey to adequately gauge the community’s attitude about itself and where the Borough needs to focus its attention.

The vision of the Borough that emerged is a desire to become a lively community with an attractive downtown that is supported by businesses that make the town a fun place to live and visit.

The Task Force identified four principle goals:

  • To maintain the economic viability of Schwenksville while making physical changes that build on its existing small town character.
  • To provide a broad array of commercial and retail options within the Borough’s commercial districts.
  • To market the Borough to appropriate businesses that will thrive in Schwenksville’s small town atmosphere.
  • To increase the number of activities and events occurring in the Borough.

Most recently the Task Force completed the Main Street Plan Guidelines As Adopted.   This document provides the Borough Administration and residents with a blue print for improvements to the Main Street corridor.   It also details streetscape elements that businesses, organizations and residents can get involved with.  More information will be forthcoming as the Task Force and staff work on implementing the plan.